Sunday, March 1, 2009

We had our first significant snowfall this weekend! Go figure...not until March 1st does it snow enough to cover the ground. Dave and I were on a date last night as the snow began to fall. It was so beautiful to watch. It was coming down pretty heavily so we decided to head home. We sat in the driveway in front of the house and watched the peaceful scene. Well, it was somewhat peaceful... The kids had specific instructions to be asleep by 8:30, which was the time that we pulled into the driveway, only to see EVERY light in the house is on. (Isn't there a Trace Adkins song by that name??) So we decided to see just how late it would be before they decided to go to sleep. At 8:50, I called the house from my cell phone. The minute the phone started ringing, they turned EVERY light off within 3 seconds and claimed that they WERE asleep but had to get up to answer the phone. Whatever! We sat out in the car until 9:20 just to make SURE that the little people were out.

Dave took this picture from the backyard.

I TOLD Dave to go to the bathroom before he got all bundled up!!
Don't you just LOVE Dave's hat? I told him he's allowed to wear it ANYWHERE in our yard that he wants to! :)
We made a Southern-style snowman, complete with a cowboy hat. Sydney came inside for the snowman's facial amenities. I gave her prunes for the eyes, the provincial carrot for the nose, Twizzler licorice for the mouth and walnuts for the button. Funny part of the story that explains what the dogs are doing... One of the eyes fell out of the snowman right before the picture was taken. I said, "No problem...that's what Photoshop is for!" So after the computer-generated eye-transplant procedure, Dave looked at the computer monitor and asked why the dogs are all huddled together at the base of the snowman. I started laughing so hard as I realized that they were eating the prune that fell. Guess the dogs are going to be pretty regular. :)
Sydney's fashion ensemble can affordibly be re-created by visiting your local Goodwill store. Colors and selection may vary.

Here are a few shots that Dave took of the woods on our back property. The kids love this little stream, which provides them with hours of fun catching crawdads and the like.


Kristin said...

I love the snowman and the hat! My kids would LOVE to have that stream in their backyard. How fun Taunya! :-)Love the pics.

Leslie said...

I love the thought of you guys sitting outside the house ~ that is SO funny!!! Your house & property is beautiful!!