The kids had a great time. As you can see from the picture, they had to catch some ZZZs on the way there. We also took T.J., which is Dave's "little brother" from the Big Brothers/Little Brothers program. He's such a wonderful young man. He and Tyler are just a few weeks apart in age. We decided not to let the kids ride rides...there were too many other fun things to see and do. 

Here's what we saw...
1. Animals at the livestock barns
2. Fiddling contest with children from ages 5 - 15
3. An Amish family that made sorghum the good ol' fashioned way...with sorgham cane, a mule, a grinding post and a kettle over a fire.
4. John Deere tractors (of course Tyler had to start one up on accident!)
5. A corn mill with 900 and 600-pound stones to crush the corn and then sift it for cornmeal, grits and chicken feed. We bought two flour-sacks of fresh grits.
6. A hypnotist that hypnotized 12 people on stage.
7. A flea circus...the kids LOVED that.
8. A square dancing/clogging competition
9. A Border Collie sheep-herding demonstration. I have to say, that was my favorite part of the fair. Those dogs are amazing animals. They have such a drive to work and are so intelligent. We are looking into getting one from an animal rescue.
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST...the most FUNNY part of the fair...
10. There was a man on a horse sculpture made entirely of horse shoes. The sculpture was the size of an actual horse. He was supposed to be an animated figure, but it was an actual man. I kept telling the kids that he was real, but they thought he was fake. He had make-up on his hands and face that made him look like a wax figure. He also had dark sunglasses on. Oh, and he was playing a GUITAR! The way he moved his hands made him look like he was on hinges. He had a sign on the ground that said to feel free to touch. The kids inched closer and closer and Tyler dared to touch him. Sydney got up the courage to go touch his leg and then he jumped and screamed, "BOO!" and she flipped out. She let out a huge scream and then couldn't stop laughing. Neither could the crowd that had gathered around. You could tell they were all wondering the same he...or isn't he...real...?
Here's what we saw...
1. Animals at the livestock barns
2. Fiddling contest with children from ages 5 - 15
3. An Amish family that made sorghum the good ol' fashioned way...with sorgham cane, a mule, a grinding post and a kettle over a fire.
4. John Deere tractors (of course Tyler had to start one up on accident!)
5. A corn mill with 900 and 600-pound stones to crush the corn and then sift it for cornmeal, grits and chicken feed. We bought two flour-sacks of fresh grits.
6. A hypnotist that hypnotized 12 people on stage.
7. A flea circus...the kids LOVED that.
8. A square dancing/clogging competition
9. A Border Collie sheep-herding demonstration. I have to say, that was my favorite part of the fair. Those dogs are amazing animals. They have such a drive to work and are so intelligent. We are looking into getting one from an animal rescue.
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST...the most FUNNY part of the fair...
10. There was a man on a horse sculpture made entirely of horse shoes. The sculpture was the size of an actual horse. He was supposed to be an animated figure, but it was an actual man. I kept telling the kids that he was real, but they thought he was fake. He had make-up on his hands and face that made him look like a wax figure. He also had dark sunglasses on. Oh, and he was playing a GUITAR! The way he moved his hands made him look like he was on hinges. He had a sign on the ground that said to feel free to touch. The kids inched closer and closer and Tyler dared to touch him. Sydney got up the courage to go touch his leg and then he jumped and screamed, "BOO!" and she flipped out. She let out a huge scream and then couldn't stop laughing. Neither could the crowd that had gathered around. You could tell they were all wondering the same he...or isn't he...real...?
After the fair... all tuckered out.