Here are a few pictures of our garden last year. It was fun, but it was a LOT of work! Dave even put in a few raised beds. We grew sweet corn, indian corn, tomatoes, cucumbers (pickling and eating), yellow squash, watermelon, cantelope, basil, kale, cilantro, onions, okra, black beans, white beans, peanuts, red potatoes, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, butternut squash, and LOTS of pumpkins. We canned tomatoes, butternut squash, pickled okra, bread and butter pickles, sweet pickles and cinnamon pickles. Our sweet potato crop did exceptionally well, as is demonstrated by Tyler below. I used ONE of these sweet potatoes to make sweet potato casserole for Thanksgiving dinner. We had 15 people for dinner and this ONE potato fed all of them.

This entire thing is nothing but PUMPKINS!